Cara Buat Anak mau membersihkan mainan nya sendiri _ I can tidy up my own toys


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Cara Buat Anak mau membersihkan mainan nya sendiri _ I can tidy up my own toys

Bahasa Anak yang mudah dan bisa mereka terima adalah dengan ikut "masuk" dunianya. Hal ini bisa bunda ayah terapkan dengan contoh percakapan dalam bahasa inggris yang kami sadur dari sumber buku Hello Kids dalam salah satu seri Halo Balita. 

Bunda dan Ayah juga bisa memesan semua buku seri Halo Balita di Book Advisor kami hubungi kontak ini  Hubungi Book Advisor Kami

Seperti cara yang dilakukan oleh ayah Akma di percakapan berikut ini :

I can tidy up my own toys 

Akma : Yeayyyy I can make a tall building, a zoo, drive a train and fly an aeroplane!

Father : Waww the pilot is great! 

Akma : Dad, look! the plane is landing on the cat 's back hahahaha

(Akma and his father laughed watching that cat feeling tickled.

Father : Hahahaha my little pilot is sleepy isnt he? (Father put Akma on the chair)

Akma...Look! I'm going to perform a play. I become the master of tidying up

(Father put on a hat and a plastic ball on the tip of his nose. Funny like a clown.)

Father : Oh This place is messy! I wander how we tidy up? 

(Suddenly father made a marching book troop)

ZAPP ZIPPP One Two ....

Akma : wawww awesome dad

Father : I wander where the place is?

Akma : There!! on the book shelf

Father : Okey,,, ready to go!!! One ... Two... One Two... zap zippp

VRooom vrommm these cars are waiting for their turn to go into the garage 

Akma : let me put them into the garage dad!

Father : Okey , thank u

(Akma and his father were busy storing the toys. Hard toys such as the wood blocks were stored at the bottom while soft toys were stored at the top. They were stored that way to prevent them from damages.)

Father : Its time to make up the bed

(Father and Akma raced to slip the bedsheet under the mattress. Even Akma's cat wanted to take a part. He pulled one end of the bedsheet.)

Father : One two one two... 

(Father spread the blanket. Father and Akma folded the blanket together. After that, they tidied up the pillow. Alhamdulillah,,, Akma's bed was neat.

The play ended, Akma anda father sat. They were exhausted but laughed happily.)

Father : alhamdulillah , everything was back to neat.

The conversation between a child and his father when teaching his child to tidy up his own toys, for the first time. This story is adapted from the source of the hello kids book

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